Category: Uncategorized

Random Update With Some Hopefully Cool Stuff

Random update time!

This is my (crappy) multimeter. I had to sharpen the probes because they weren’t able to fit into network plugs, preventing me from checking the continuity of my cables. Note the elastic hair band used to keep the wires and probes from getting tangled and what not in the tool box. Steal one from your sister. You can’t have mine. I think using a hair band is particularly clever because they won’t break down or lose elasticity like rubber bands do.

One is a crossover cable, following the pinout here. I also made loopback plug from the instructions on that page. I will be making his passive sniffer later. I’ll also upload and write some instructions when I get it made.

MY FEDORA STICKERS CAME!! Its awesome. These aren’t “el-cheapo” stickers, they are the real deal heavy duty foil styles. You can find the information on getting some stickers on the Fedora Wiki.

Also, I’m starting to have a “spam problem” on my blog. Hehe.

Windows XP truly stands the test of time.

I was watching Firefly on DVD a little bit back. As I said in my title, Windows XP truly stands the test off time. Or maybe its just such a piece of trash that it really only deserves to be used on the giant flying dumpsters of the future. At any rate, enjoy the screen capture.

Switched to OpenSuse. Except I’m going back to Fedora


So, at the advice of a friend on Twitter, I installed openSuse over Fedora. It’s worked pretty well so far, but.

There’s some things that just aren’t working right in openSuse. And I’m starting to dislike novell products. Couple that with some issues (mumble absolutely hates my mic for some reason, repositories being a mess under openSuse, bluetooth support is complicated to say the least), and Fedora 14 coming out . . . .

I’ve decided to triple boot the netbook until I figure out if I want to stick with opensuse or switch to Fedora. To be honest, I never though I would be one of those triple boot boot nut cases. But here I am triple booting. Mostly because I still want openSuse for a few things (I think). If life turns out to be easier in Fedora, openSuse is going to get the boot.

Here’s my notes on the process of triple booting:

  1. Use GParted to shrink the two existing opensuse partitions and get some space. Size, methods, etc will vary depending on your partition layout. This will take a lot of time. If you put space in the middle or somewhere, you’re probably going to have to do a block-by-block copy. Its slow. I started it, and then went and ate lunch. The process was still running when I came back.
  2. Install Fedora. Use the custom layout tool (again). The partition I ended up using was /dev/sda8
  3. I installed grub to the first sector of /dev/sda8. The reason is that I setup opensuse to chainload into Fedora. This was easier at the time then installing Fedora’s grub to the mbr of the drive and replicating my openSuse entries.
  4. When you reboot, you’ll have to boot to openSuse. Use the bootloader tool in openSuse to add a chainloading entry to /dev/sda8 or wherever you ended up installing Fedora to.
  5. Reboot again. Pick Fedora and chainload to Fedora. Let the bootloader for Fedora run through. You could optionally change the time-out for the Fedora boot loader to 0 once you get into Fedora.
  6. Do the Fedora setup thing. Not to hard
  7. For the broadcom-wl drivers for the Broadcom 4313 in my eee, I needed to add the rpm fusion repositories. Referenced from here, run the following in terminal:
      su -c 'rpm -Uvh'
      su -c 'rpm -Uvh'

    At the password prompt enter the root password then press Enter.

  8. su -c "yum install broadcom-wl"
    su -c 'modprobe wl'
  9. Configure optional software. My immediate install list is:
      su -c "yum install geany yakuake firefox"

If you want to reinstall grub to the root of the member and let Fedora take over, you can do a google search for “reinstall grub fedora” and find out how.

That’s a crappy update, but one none the less. Hopefully I can do a more personal update. Until then, keep it real.

Broadcom setup help:

M.M.S Project, Biological Systems

Biological Systems Album coverI’ve found myself listening to this album alot lately.  It’s something that you can get lost in, and the only way you know that you’ve started again from the beginning is the unique intro.

The album starts out in what I imagine to be a corner coffee shop, somewhere outside in France.  You can hear people laughing, and a accordion playing.  From there, the beat changes and so does the album.  It begins.  The album features a driving back beat, with alot of synthesized piano runs. Existing on the album are pure piano runs and modified, effects modifies drives.  Ever shifting, the authors manage to flow from one track to the next. Listen for the stereo shifting drum beats on the end of Back to Psicodelia, the second track of the album. MMS Project extends this even further with its next track, Out of Cell. Flowing, shifting, changing is a way to describe the album.

This is a dance album, something you could move to. Something to workout to. Or, as I do I use it to help relax and control my mind’s speed. I’ve been listening it to the last few hours and I am sure that it gets alot of playtime on my mp3 player. 

This album is what a true trance dance album should be, something that flows from track to track. Something to get lost it without knowing. It has the power to help you focus on your work, or focus on the music itself.

I’d like to describe the album more, but I’m terrible with words.  You should download and listen yourself.  Yes, I said download.  You can even do it legally.  Biological Systems is listened under the Creative Commons License, meaning you’re free to review, copy, burn give away, sample and more.  But the best part is the freedom to download.

Take a gander and listen, you might enjoy it. M.M.S. Project, Biological Systems

Running Teamspeak 3 Client as a Portable App

I always try to use software in a portable format. This means it leaves nothing in the way of registry entries or dropping somewhere on the system.

I’m happy to report that the Teamspeak 3 Official Client is natively portable.

Since it uses QT4, is has the requisite trolltech registry entries left in the registry. But anything important gets directed to a folder called “config” (if present) in the install directory. I’ll probably be making a quick launcher to handle these few QT annoyances, but I make no promises.

In short, to carry your TeamSpeak 3 client with you, just use the option in the installer that says it will save settings to the install directory. Alternately, you could make a folder called “config” in the Teamspeak 3 folder and have it save its settings there.

*Update: It seems I missed seeing something in the regshot I took. There’s a key, HKCUSoftwareTeamSpeak 3 Client. There’s nothing in there, but it will come back on every run.


WordPress Stuck in Maintenance Mode

So, I went to update a plugin, then accidentally clicked away while wordpress was still running the update.  Yeah. Don’t do that. If you do, FTP to your blog directory and look for a file called .maintenance.  Rename it.  It should bring your site back up.  If it does, then you can delete the renamed .maintenance file.

To be honest, this isn’t an original idea.  I first found it here when I borked my wordpress install as described above.  Quick google, and I found it.  Here’s the link:

Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill

I thought of something today.  The Deepwater Horizon basically burned down, fell over and then sank into the swamp, I mean the ocean.

Wait, what?

The Guerilla Guide to Portable Apps

Some of you may know of my involvement with One of the things that I did there was to create a “manual” as it were for developing a portable app. Not how to code it, but the way to start working on it. Awhile ago I asked John if I could turn it into a full HTML page. He never said I could, though I probably could get away without him knowing about it.

I’ve started work upgrading the Guerrilla Guide here on my website. You can find the link here If it moves, I’ll try to remember to either update the link, or post a redirect. Its currently a work in progress just porting it to how I want it to look, and updating it with all the new information. I will hopefully add more content later.

That’s this short update.

Gradients in Text via GIMP

No words, because its late, I’m lazy, and pictures are worth one thousand of them

I guess I didn’t get a image of me using the gradient tool.  But at this point, you would just use the gradient tool like you would to fill a square or circle or what have you.