[10:58:11] root@SoliloquyBook {/home/OliverK α yum install kmod-wl
Loaded plugins: langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit
Setting up Install Process
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package kmod-wl.i686 0: will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: kmod-wl-3.2.7-1.fc16.i686 >= for package: kmod-wl-
--> Running transaction check
---> Package kmod-wl-3.2.7-1.fc16.i686.i686 0: will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: kernel-uname-r = 3.2.7-1.fc16.i686 for package: kmod-wl-3.2.7-1.fc16.i686-
--> Processing Dependency: wl-kmod-common >= for package: kmod-wl-3.2.7-1.fc16.i686-
--> Running transaction check
---> Package broadcom-wl.noarch 0: will be installed
---> Package kmod-wl-3.2.7-1.fc16.i686.i686 0: will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: kernel-uname-r = 3.2.7-1.fc16.i686 for package: kmod-wl-3.2.7-1.fc16.i686-
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Error: Package: kmod-wl-3.2.7-1.fc16.i686- (rpmfusion-nonfree-updates)
Requires: kernel-uname-r = 3.2.7-1.fc16.i686
Installed: kernel-3.2.6-3.fc16.i686 (@updates)
kernel-uname-r = 3.2.6-3.fc16.i686
Installed: kernel-3.2.9-2.fc16.i686 (@updates)
kernel-uname-r = 3.2.9-2.fc16.i686
Installed: kernel-3.2.10-3.fc16.i686 (@updates)
kernel-uname-r = 3.2.10-3.fc16.i686
Available: kernel-3.1.0-7.fc16.i686 (fedora)
kernel-uname-r = 3.1.0-7.fc16.i686
Available: kernel-PAE-3.1.0-7.fc16.i686 (fedora)
kernel-uname-r = 3.1.0-7.fc16.i686.PAE
Available: kernel-PAE-3.2.10-3.fc16.i686 (updates)
kernel-uname-r = 3.2.10-3.fc16.i686.PAE
Available: kernel-PAEdebug-3.1.0-7.fc16.i686 (fedora)
kernel-uname-r = 3.1.0-7.fc16.i686.PAEdebug
Available: kernel-PAEdebug-3.2.10-3.fc16.i686 (updates)
kernel-uname-r = 3.2.10-3.fc16.i686.PAEdebug
Available: kernel-debug-3.1.0-7.fc16.i686 (fedora)
kernel-uname-r = 3.1.0-7.fc16.i686.debug
Available: kernel-debug-3.2.10-3.fc16.i686 (updates)
kernel-uname-r = 3.2.10-3.fc16.i686.debug
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
Oh, by the way, your wireless will be disabled until you fix this. I hope you have another adaptor handy.So, after looking for awhile I found this solution: install akmod. (Thanks fedora project. I’ll quote zcat’s fedora solved which neatly explains what akmods is:
akmods (similar to dkms) is a solution to the problem of some kernel modules depending on specific versions of a kernel. If you want to use a custom kernel, or a test kernel — e.g. from updates-testing or koji — or if there is a very new kernel in the updates repo, then you must either wait for rpmfusion to rebuild binary kmods to match, or you must yumdownload and rpmbuild the source rpm manually. Enter a better way: automatic kmod rebuilding.
The result is: I have internet without my alfa adaptor again.