Here’s a guide on compiling Firesheep for both Firefox 3.6.x. I will hopefully be posting a usage guide shortly. There is a way to build it for Firefox 4, but as of yet it is not functioning.

  1. Clone the git repository containing the firesheep plugin: git clone
  2. Install the following packages needed to build firesheep: autoconf libtool libpcap-dev libboost-all-dev libhal-dev xulrunner-1.9.2-dev
  3. Change to the firesheep directory
  4. Run git submodule update --init
  5. If you want to build a firefox 4 version under Backtrack 5, you will have to build xulrunner from source. I will not cover this, as it is fairly simple, but compiling takes forever! Better to build it under a recent version of kubuntu 🙂

  6. To attempt to build the Firefox 4 port, run the following commands. You can skip these if you plan on using firefox 3.6.
    git fetch origin firefox4
    git checkout firefox4
    git checkout master
    git merge firefox4
  7. ./
  8. make
  9. The firesheep.xpi you just built will located in the build/ directory.
  10. Install in firefox